Reflective Slap Bracelets (choice of color/size)

Q & A
Reflective slap bracelets are a super safety item and can be used for kids or adults outside at night. These reflective bands are easy and fun to put on. They make a great gift for your night time event!
Features -High quality "Reflexite" material with black velvet backing
-1" wide, 12" / 15" long , can be worn on wrist, arm, ankle, or leg.
-Easy to put on - snug secure fit.
We have just added 15" reflective slap bracelets to our store. The extra inches give room for the bracelets to be worn on the upper arm or over a jacket or pants.
"I love the product (Reflective Slapbands). They were exactly as described on the website. Thank you for a speedy delivery as well." T. Ramsdell, Washington
Have a question about this product? Ask here! We will answer you shortly.
Q: from which material the slap bracelet made of, does it contain any kind of metal or magnetic material inside?
A:the top layer is the 3M or Reflexite reflective material, it is PVC
the 2nd layer is the white PVC
the 3rd layer is the steel spring (manganese steel)
the backing material is floss pvc
Have a question about this product? Ask here! We will answer you shortly.
Q: from which material the slap bracelet made of, does it contain any kind of metal or magnetic material inside?
A:the top layer is the 3M or Reflexite reflective material, it is PVC
the 2nd layer is the white PVC
the 3rd layer is the steel spring (manganese steel)
the backing material is floss pvc