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About Us

Thank you for taking a moment to read about us. We are real people, with a real story and a real mission. Today, we are a company that designs, imports, and distributes hundreds of safety products, on the industrial, wholesale, and retail levels. We have a full line of Made in USA products too!

Now, just a bit of history.

We began selling night visibility gear in 2002 after a guest visiting our NJ town was fatally struck by a car one night.

The horrified driver said that he did not see the pedestrian at all. He hit him at full speed.
We hurried to a local pharmacy that sold reflector belts and bought them all.

With the help of dedicated friends, we made dozens of phone calls to get sponsors for safety ads, reflective belts, and anything that would help us promote our cause of night visibility for pedestrians and cyclists.

With the recent tragedy on everyone's mind and the low, subsidized price of $1 a reflector belt, we sold every last belt in no time at all.

For the next round of belts, some local businesses agreed to partially or fully sponsor the cost of the belts, in exchange for having their logos printed on the belt.

Our top priority was getting children and teenagers to wear the reflective belts. We had different catchy posters hung up in local offices and community centers. One poster's headline was "Like Father Like Son" with a picture of a dad and son proudly wearing their belts.

We also started a contest where local first responders distributed gift certificates to local stores. The police officer or EMT would randomly hand out those certificates to pedestrians seen wearing a reflector belt.

Because many of our local private schools have an extended school day, in the winter months some of the older students are dismissed after dark. We went to these schools and gave out free reflective belts. We spoke to the students about being safe and seen when walking home from school or alighting from the bus. We also stressed to the schoolteachers the importance of teaching by example, and included enough free reflective belts for them too.

While we were doing all this, we were also ordering reflective material and belts from many manufacturers, testing and comparing quality and prices until we found what we believe is the very best reflective material on the market. We then designed our now top selling reflective belts (Items RB1 and later, RB2 as well).

We sold and distributed tens of thousands of reflective belts in our town and one driving it's streets will (hopefully) see many pedestrians and cyclists wearing them.

In 2004, we expanded our line of products and established ourselves as an LLC. We named our company Bright Ideas USA. We opened our website at the same time, naming it In 2007, we renamed our site .

Our main goal has always been to help as many people as possible be safely seen at night. We do this by constantly expanding our product line with high quality products that you can rely on for visibility and durability at an affordable price.

Thank you for your interest in our company.

Some neat things to consider about us and our products:

-We care about your safety. To that end, we've put many of our products through numerous tests that prove them to be top quality products with visibility you can rely on!

-Bright Ideas is an SBE (small business enterprise).

-We use mostly “Reflexite/Orafol” and “3M” reflective material.

-We have a full line of Made in USA products.

-We give a 1-year consumer guarantee on all apparel.